Technical info

version of the swordversion of falszkilemversion of the pound
Overall length8,30 m
Hull length7,80 m
Waterline length7,30 m
Hull width2,98 m
Water line width2,39 m
Draught of hull0,35 m
Displacement to waterline2682 kg
Displacement to flood openings8650 kg
Immersion of the sword0,40 -1,55 m—–—–
Draught of falszkil—–0,85 – 1,55 m—–
Draught of keel—–—–1,30 m
Weight of boatok. 2450 kgok. 2450 kgok. 2800 kg
Weight of rotary blade127 kg50kg—–
Weight of ballast fin falszkil—–520 kg—–
Weight of keelok. 650 – 670 kg
Bottom ballast weightok. 450 kg—–—–
Ballast Factor—-—-—-
Cabin height1,82 m
Mast height10,0 m10,0 m10,00 m
Height of mast above waterline11,7 m11,7 m11,7 m
Basic Sailing31,5 m230,5 m230,5 m2
Fok13,0 m212,5 m212,5 m2
Grot18,5 m218,5 m218,5 m2
Spinnaker——45,0 m245,0 m2
Freeboard height (bow / stern)1,18/0,96
Number of crew max666
Number of berths4 + 24 + 24 + 2
Design CategoryCB (C)B (C)
Auxiliary engine / stationary6 – 13 HP8 – 13 HP8 – 13 HP
DesignerWojciech Spisak